The industrial sector is keen on using electronics for greater capabilities and higher efficiencies and productivity. Smaller and smarter sensors,...
Whyte, Griogair W.M. (2008) Antennas for wireless sensor network applications. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. Full text available as: Abstract...
New technology is changing the nature of sensors and the way they interface with data acquisition and control systems. Researchers...
SmartMesh IP Motes SmartMesh IP Motes are the wireless nodes in a SmartMesh IP network. They connect to sensors/actuators and...
Applications of Wireless Sensor Networking: In the present era there are lot of technologies which are used for monitoring are...
April 2014: We received the Best Paper Award at IPSN 2014 for the paper “Lightweight map matching for indoor localisation...
Get ready to create distributed sensor systems and intelligent interactive devices using the ZigBee wireless networking protocol and Series 2...