Failed to connect to the adapter.
This indicates the failure of the Hamachi network adapter. You can try the following methods to repair the connection to the Hamachi network adapter. Open Device Manager and manually enable the driver for Hamachi Network Interface. Then start Hamachi and see if it can connect. If it can, then something is not working properly in Device Management on your system, which might be caused by a driver (not necessarily a networking one). Troubleshooting this would be done by booting in safe mode, manually starting the virtual adapter, and then running Hamachi. You can then start turning devices on, one by one, until the conflict is found. Check your Network Connections folder and see if Hamachi’s adapter is called Hamachi, and not something like Local Area Connection 4. If it is not named Hamachi, then rename it to Hamachi and try running the application again. Make sure that Network Connection Hamachi is activated. Type services.msc, and press Enter. Then ensure the DHCP Client and Network Connections services are running. If none of the above helps, then there is something on your system that is overriding default access control for system drivers, in which case you need to isolate and disable this component.
In some cases, Windows fails to properly install the network adapter and there is no Hamachi adapter listed in the Network connections folder. In this case, you may have to manually reinstall the network adapter as follows:
Go to Start > Run, and type hdwwiz.cpl. If you receive an error, or your computer runs on Windows 7 or Vista, try again with hdwwiz only. If it begins searching immediately, let it finish, then choose Yes, I have already connected the hardware. If it displays the currently installed devices, scroll down to the bottom. Choose Add a new hardware device. If it is not there, go to the next step. Choose Install the hardware that I manually select from a list (Advanced). Select Network adapters. Click Have Disk and then Browse. Browse to the installation folder, and select the setup information file for your system. hamachi.inf: Windows XP, Vista, 2003, 7, 2008 and 2008R2 hamdrv.inf: Windows 8 and above Finish the installation of the adapter. Check your Network Connections folder and see if Hamachi’s adapter is called Hamachi, and not something like Local Area Connection 4. If it is not named Hamachi, then rename it to Hamachi and try running the application again. Make sure that Network Connection Hamachi is activated. Important: If your anti-virus software reports or blocks Hamachi-2-ui.exe, you must add an exclusion for the Hamachi-2-ui.exe program. Please consult your anti-virus software documentation for assistance with adding an exclusion to the allowed list.